
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wade Fam Photo Sesh

So...we took advantage of that beautiful day we had on Sunday and went out and had a little fam photo shoot! And, Yeah, we are all wearing collared shirts haha. It started with Asher's shirt. I went to a huge baby consignment thingy this past weekend and got it for a dollar. (those things are awesome! I'm going to another on saturday!) 
This shirt makes him look like a little Hawaiian baby. Then Kirk said, "Well, I wanna wear this shirt if he's wearing that." Then I figured I should wear some sort of collared shirt to go with the theme. This is probably one of the two shirts I have with a collar, Ha. So....there's that. 
My Shirt: Old Navy/ Pants: Urban Outfitters/ Tribal Wedges: Charlotte Russe 
And of course my pearls that Kirk got me for Valentines Day! 
This smile....He has been growing up all of a sudden lately. He is staring to grab things and swat at his toys. He likes to be in his exersaucer. He is holding his wobbly baby head up so much better. He is just so much more observant and aware of everything around him. The only thing is....he is still on the same sleep routine as he was a couple months ago. He still has his mama getting up about every three hours. The good thing is, he eats and goes straight back to sleep. 
Asher also has a eczema on his cheeks. That's why they look a little rosey in the pictures. We have tried aveeno for eczema which worked for awhile, but it has just come back again. If anyone knows of anything good, let me know! I feel so bad for his little cracked cheeks......
We celebrate our "two years since we met" on Sunday!
Kirk and I both don't really like this picture too much, but it is pretty much the only one where we are all looking and smiling! So I figured, Hey! Let's put that baby on there. 
I know yal have seen Asher's glasses already, but he loves wearin' them. It was so bright out too. Most of the pictures, one of the three of us had our eyes closed because of the sunshine. I'm not complaining though...I was so excited to soak in those rays. 
Asher's famous pouty face above. It is ridiculous. I feel so bad when he does this at people, haha. 
Asher looks like a big boy sittin on Kirk's lap!
Kirk's sunglasses shirt: Pacsun/ Pants: Ralph Lauren Outlet/ Shoes: Vans
Thanks for reading/looking! :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Our first wedded Valentines Day

On Valentines morning, a box with these beautiful red roses and this card arrived at the door. 
Later on that day, another surprise arrived for me...
He went in the other room to open it. He walked back in and said, "I believe every woman should own a real pearl necklace." eeeeeek. I definitely was not expecting this gift whatsoever! I feel like such a lady with them on.
So...I am corny and baked a red heart-shaped cake. One of the only kind of cakes Kirk likes is red velvet.
Then....I made it even cornier and added our intials and sprinkles.....I think I should have stopped before I went sprinkle crazy.
 Asher's valentines was Aunt Corinne. His bib says "Auntie's dream date".
So...we didn't end up going to Maggiano's. Kirk surprised me by taking me to Upstream. It was voted best seafood in Charlotte. My hubs knows my love for fishies. Look how handsome he is......sigh.
We got calamari as an appetizer. Kirk got filet mignon, and I got tuna. It was delish! Oh and we said yes to sparkling water not knowing it would be $6 for the bottle, so I stuck it in my purse to bring home. Hope that's okay, Upstream!

We did dessert the next day! It was perfect because we had snow falling while we indulged. For Vday, I got Kirk this fondue pot. He is obsessed with chocolate strawberries so I figured it'd be fun to do be able to do them at home for Vday and for future nights that we just feel like being fancy. :) My favorite was the graham crackers dipped in the chocolate. Oh, and I added the sour patch kids for a snack on the side......You can never say no to sour patch kids. We needed more sugar too, right?

And I think the snow made my ring look extra sparkly....if i do say so myself....
Valentines Day may be corny. And yeah, you should take every day to show your "loved one" that you love them. But, Valentines Day is just a good excuse to go the extra mile to make them feel special. So don't be grumpy about it, take advantage of it and have fun! 

Honored to have Kirkland as my husband, my partner in parenting my sweet baby boy, and my Valentine every year until the day I die. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Wade boys are hangin' out.

I wasn't planning on shooting these for a post. But, I felt these shots really captured some cute daddy-son moments. Kirk is sometimes annoyed that I am always peeking around the corner snapping pictures of him haha.....but he will appreciate having these candid moments to look back on. :)

The other morning I woke up and thought...."Wow, I have a baby to take care of. I'm a mom? I gave birth to a baby?? This little one is depending on me? then it led to.....Wow, I got married?? I have a husband? I am a wife?? We are a married couple??"
Now, I am not delirious or anything....It just is still weird to me sometimes haha. I guess these things seemed like such a "in the future" type of thing...or an "older people" thing. hehe But gosh, I love it. 

So these are my their "hangin around the house before bed" clothes....Doing it Wade Style.

 I love them both with all that I am. Forever and Always. 
I have the best Valentines, guys. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

mother-son with new shades...sunday... shoot

Guys, I really did not mean to take this long to post again. I have been using up my free time doing motherly/wifey/studenty things.....or just being lazy type of things.....guilty. 
I have been saying to Kirk for the past few days that I REALLY NEED to make a new post! So before I am busy watching the Grammys tonight(aka seeing what everyone is wearing)....I finally took the initiative to make this post!

So, wouldn't it be awesome if we got a little snowstorm for Valentines Day this week?? Kirk and I are planning on getting glam and dressed up to go out to eat at Maggiano's. It's where we had our wedding reception at, so it seemed like a good idea for somewhere special and semi-fancy for our love day festivities. But the greatest thing of all is that we bought a living social deal for a couple's massage. I am pumped about this.....Hopefully there's dark chocolate and some coffee and involved on this day too....then I will be feelin' the love for sure. 

Here is us last year on Vday. Stay tuned for Vday 2013, married and parents style, haha. 

Lauren's outfit
hat (forever 21)
shirt (forever 21)
scarf (char russe)
shorts (urban outfitters)
tights (target)
shoes (target)

Asher's outfit 
shades (carters)
shirt (osh kosh)
pants (old navy)
shoes (old navy)