Dear Asher,
Happy Half birthday! The past six months have been beyond what I could have ever imagined. In such a short time, I have watched you grow from a wee helpless, fragile infant who just entered the world into a strong and fun-loving little boy. From the moment they laid you on my chest and you looked into my eyes, I knew my heart was forever yours. I still get the same fuzzy feelings whenever you look at me, especially with that magical smile of yours. I cannot wait to keep bonding with you and watching you grow up! So glad you are my son, Asher.
I was inspired by blogger, the stork and the beanstalk, to write to Asher so that we will remember the milestones. I love reading about Ashley and her boys! I love Ashley's honesty and transparency.
sleep: I have already posted about this, but sleeping at night is not your forte. You love being close to mommy and daddy in our bed at night. We start you off in your crib, but eventually you end up in our bed. Mom eventually gets tired of going into the other room to get ya. You are most comfortable laying on your side with your back arched, just like mom and dad. You do not take long naps during the day anymore. You only take little random naps, unless you are out in the stroller or in the car. The car can keep you knocked out for awhile. You sometimes snore. It's so cute. When you wake up in the mornings, you are usually lying there talking to yourself or making noises with your lips. You are your happiest the first few hours after you wake up.
eating: You nurse about every 3 to 4 hours during the day. When we are out and about, you can go much longer. Sometimes it surprises me how long you can go. Recently, you have started becoming really distracted while nursing. You have to look around at what's going in the room, just like dad. You also like to look up and smile at you are making sure I am still there. hehe it's so sweet. You like to have you hand up, swatting in the air, like you are trying to touch my face while you are eating. A lot of the time you scratch me and claw at me. I try to keep your nails short, but it still hurts! In the evenings around eight, you get spoon fed. So far, you have loved everything we have given you. (apples, pears, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots) You gobble it up. You love sipping your water while you eat too. You make a mess by sticking you hands in your mouth right when we put the food in.
growth and appearance: You are a strong, sturdy boy! Most people comment on how big you are for your age. Dont worry, I was a chunky baby too. We go to the dr soon to see how much you weigh, but I am guessing that you are about 21 lbs. It is hard carrying you around now! You are wearing size 3 in diapers and 6/9/12 month clothes, depending on the store. You have big strong legs with the cutest rolls. The roll over your wrist is my favorite though. Your grip is super strong. Your hair is long and your locks are getting more and more curly. They curl up the most right out of the bath tub. I am curious to see how your hair is going to turn out when you get older!! Your sweet little eczema cheeks have slowly been getting better. Sometimes, they just flare up and then you make it worse by scratching them. No sign of teeth either! Those gums of yours are the cutest though when you smile.
development: You can sit up now! I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone sitting because sometimes you decide to throw yourself backwards. You hold your head up strong while you are on your tummy. You kick your legs like you are trying to get to what's in front of you. First steps towards crawling! You can ALMOST roll over! You are 95% of the way there! So I am expecting to see that pretty soon.
Things that make you laugh: You laugh hysterically whenever we fake cough, oink like a pig, say boo, drop pillows on you, play peek a boo, jump up and down, fly you on your stomach towards a mirror, tickle you by poking you in your sides or your neck area, we throw you up in the air, clap your hand while singing the clap your hands song, when i throw you hands up in the air and say yayyy, and when you see baby einstein.
favorites: You love being with your mommy. You are definitely a mommy's boy. You also love laying down and talking to daddy. You like to grab his face and his fingers. You like being held and walked around to look at things, stopping at random places to feel things. You like farmer tad that is on the fridge. You like riding in your car and stopping to pet the puppies. You love your pacis still. They save the day a lot. You love all of your little toys that you can hold easily and put in your mouth. You like sitting on the counter to touch the bananas. You LOVE being naked. You act like I just gave you a bunch of sugar when I take off your clothes. You love playing with your grandma. She makes you laugh so hard. I always end up with a tired Asher after she gets done with you.
Silly things you do: You always are twirling your ankles and moving those feet. It's how you show where you want to go and that you are excited. You still do the pouty lip at strangers! Sometimes you even start screaming at them, ha. You get startled really easily. You really like to grab people's faces. Secretly, I know it's because you want to put their nose in your mouth. You even put your stuffed animals' noses in your mouth, especially your mickey mouse. You like to feel the back of chairs everywhere we go. You also like feeling the textures of things, You will put your hand on something and the open and close your fingers to feel it. You swing your head around and hit me a lot, especially when dad tries to give you kisses haha.
Overall, you are such a happy boy. Your smile lights up a room and your laugh is so contagious. My favorite moments with you are in the morning when we have snuggle time in bed. We talk for awhile and then I stand you up on my belly. I say, "Good morning! Look how big you got!" and your smile is from ear to ear. It just melts my heart. I am excited for you to reach for me, say mama, and give me a hug. I am trying to take advantage of this time that you are still dependent on me and try and get as much snuggle time as I can. You will forever be my baby boy.
Happy six months!
give us more blog posts lady wade! ;)