On Valentines morning, a box with these beautiful red roses and this card arrived at the door.
He went in the other room to open it. He walked back in and said, "I believe every woman should own a real pearl necklace." eeeeeek. I definitely was not expecting this gift whatsoever! I feel like such a lady with them on.
So...I am corny and baked a red heart-shaped cake. One of the only kind of cakes Kirk likes is red velvet.
So...we didn't end up going to Maggiano's. Kirk surprised me by taking me to Upstream. It was voted best seafood in Charlotte. My hubs knows my love for fishies. Look how handsome he is......sigh.
We got calamari as an appetizer. Kirk got filet mignon, and I got tuna. It was delish! Oh and we said yes to sparkling water not knowing it would be $6 for the bottle, so I stuck it in my purse to bring home. Hope that's okay, Upstream!We did dessert the next day! It was perfect because we had snow falling while we indulged. For Vday, I got Kirk this fondue pot. He is obsessed with chocolate strawberries so I figured it'd be fun to do be able to do them at home for Vday and for future nights that we just feel like being fancy. :) My favorite was the graham crackers dipped in the chocolate. Oh, and I added the sour patch kids for a snack on the side......You can never say no to sour patch kids. We needed more sugar too, right?
And I think the snow made my ring look extra sparkly....if i do say so myself....
Valentines Day may be corny. And yeah, you should take every day to show your "loved one" that you love them. But, Valentines Day is just a good excuse to go the extra mile to make them feel special. So don't be grumpy about it, take advantage of it and have fun!
Honored to have Kirkland as my husband, my partner in parenting my sweet baby boy, and my Valentine every year until the day I die.
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