So...we took advantage of that beautiful day we had on Sunday and went out and had a little fam photo shoot! And, Yeah, we are all wearing collared shirts haha. It started with Asher's shirt. I went to a huge baby consignment thingy this past weekend and got it for a dollar. (those things are awesome! I'm going to another on saturday!)
This shirt makes him look like a little Hawaiian baby. Then Kirk said, "Well, I wanna wear this shirt if he's wearing that." Then I figured I should wear some sort of collared shirt to go with the theme. This is probably one of the two shirts I have with a collar, Ha. So....there's that.
My Shirt: Old Navy/ Pants: Urban Outfitters/ Tribal Wedges: Charlotte Russe
And of course my pearls that Kirk got me for Valentines Day!
This smile....He has been growing up all of a sudden lately. He is staring to grab things and swat at his toys. He likes to be in his exersaucer. He is holding his wobbly baby head up so much better. He is just so much more observant and aware of everything around him. The only thing is....he is still on the same sleep routine as he was a couple months ago. He still has his mama getting up about every three hours. The good thing is, he eats and goes straight back to sleep.
Asher also has a eczema on his cheeks. That's why they look a little rosey in the pictures. We have tried aveeno for eczema which worked for awhile, but it has just come back again. If anyone knows of anything good, let me know! I feel so bad for his little cracked cheeks......
We celebrate our "two years since we met" on Sunday!
Kirk and I both don't really like this picture too much, but it is pretty much the only one where we are all looking and smiling! So I figured, Hey! Let's put that baby on there.
I know yal have seen Asher's glasses already, but he loves wearin' them. It was so bright out too. Most of the pictures, one of the three of us had our eyes closed because of the sunshine. I'm not complaining though...I was so excited to soak in those rays.
Asher's famous pouty face above. It is ridiculous. I feel so bad when he does this at people, haha.
Asher looks like a big boy sittin on Kirk's lap!
Kirk's sunglasses shirt: Pacsun/ Pants: Ralph Lauren Outlet/ Shoes: Vans
Thanks for reading/looking! :)