I am a fashion merchandising major at Meredith college (but
am on a break right now to take care of little Asher). I will finish up my last
year starting this fall! If you know me, or take a peek into my stash of
clothing….you would see that I may slightly have an addiction. Every girl says,
“I love to shop”, but shopping is more of a serious matter to me. It is like a
craft….or a skill…a hunt.
I don’t really like to say that I like “fashion” because it
makes me think of labels, brands, and high prices. Fashion, to me, correlates with
“what is in” and “what everybody is achieving to look like”. Being fashionable is something anyone
can achieve if you have the money to do so. On the other hand, I see style as
something that you either have or you don’t. Sounds harsh, huh? You must be
born with “the eye.” Style runs in
your blood. It rings individuality to me. You have to be bold to have it, and
you must be willing to stand out. Fashion is materialistic and crowd pleasing,
but style is a form of art that can be controversial. It makes people take a
second look because it literally speaks, sometimes even yells.
Style does not have to be expensive. In high school, I didn't admire after a Michael Kors Bag. Instead, I got my thrills at thrift stores finding someone's old shirt that I could give life to again. I consider myself a
bargain shopper……always looking for the best deals……making the most out of my
buck. I think it all started with when I was younger, my mom would give me like
20 or 30 bucks to spend at the mall. I would walk around the mall once to see
what was there and have a few choices picked out, a second time to narrow it
down, and a third time to actually get the item that was the best “find.” I go
through a lot of thought processes before buying something (btw, this drives my
husband crazy because he is the total opposite of me, an impulse buyer!) But
there are those rare occasions when I see something and Bam, it’s meant to come
home to with me.
I would say that my husband and I both have a unique style. We like to experiment with patterns, colors, and textures. We both love Urban Outfitters, Buffalo Exchange, and thrifting. I personally also like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Target, Forever 21, Old Navy, etc.
Kirk, Asher, and I want you to see how
we do it, WADE Style.
Lauren's outfit:
-pants and jacket (forever 21) jacket was only 6.99! they have 50% of sale right now. so dig and find a treasure!
-shirt (buffalo exchange)You can't tell in the pictures really, but it has a tulip bottom.
-shoes (urban outfitters) for 9.99 during one of their awesome sales
Kirk's outfit:
-jacket and boots(forever 21) Not all forever 21's have a men's section, but they should! Guys have such a small selection of good stores!
-jacket and boots(forever 21) Not all forever 21's have a men's section, but they should! Guys have such a small selection of good stores!
-Shirt (buffalo exchange)
-pants (hot topic)
-beanie (target)
Asher's Outfit:
-shirt, pants, and shoes (Old Navy) didn't realize his whole outfit was from there! LOVE their baby stuff! Love baby gap too, but Old navy fits the budget!
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Love this!!! So proud of you and this new blog of yours! Can't wait to be filled in on how to do things "wade style"! :)