You know you need a date night away with your husband when....
- Your book for school is now covered in pee. I had put paper towels in between the pages over night. This morning, the book is still crinkly looking.....Yes, it is a rental.
- You find a pacifier in your book as a book mark when you thought it was your pen.
- You have not put on make up or gotten out of your big t-shirt for days.
- You are constantly bouncing or swaying back and forth when you aren't holding the baby.
- You start narrating everything you are doing in a high pitch voice....not for the baby....for yourself.
- You start singing all of the songs that your baby's toys sing.
- You can make your pancake and egg breakfast while nursing.
- You start referring to yourself as Mommy or Mama to everyone.
It was nice for Kirk and I get to get some alone time together out of the house. We went and saw our first movie together by ourselves since before Asher was born. This included popcorn and a slushy, of course. After, we went and got some sushi at Tsunami. It is one of the only types of food that Kirk and I both enjoy. (Kirk is so super picky) Strange that a picky eater likes sushi though. But Hey, I'm not complaining. I'm always up for sushi!
Dates with your husband are so important for your marriage. We are newlywed students with a newborn baby, so it is a lot of adjusting. I think it is so vital to not become complacent or comfortable in your relationship once you are married. Married people still need romance and quality time. Your significant other still needs to be reminded of why you love them, why you married them, and why you're stickin' around for forever. :)
Although it was super relaxing and refreshing to go out with Kirk, I felt like rushing home to my baby boy by the end of it. I couldn't wait to see his smile and get some kisses. We are so thankful to have my mom that watches him. He loves grandma time.
So, go ask your husband or wife out on a date! Do something new together. Make it a priority to make it a regular-thing....every week or so if you can. Remember, it's the little things that can make a huge difference!
some old pics of us just for giggles...