While trying to prepare for Asher's arrival, it was hard to figure out exactly what I needed, how many of each thing, what brand was the best, and etc. You see what I am saying!
So, I am definitely no expert. But....after four months of mommyhood, I have a list of ideas for what I would suggest for new mommmys!
I have found myself saying, quite a few times, that this is the number one thing I would suggest to moms! Whoever invented this baby is a genius :) I have had several people come up to me and ask me what it was! So basically, this thing replaces that heavy, chunky stroller. This is great for when you are going out doing errands, shopping, or just out n about. It is so much easier to take in and out of the car and it is easier to maneuver around the small aisles in stores. All you do is press this button and it pops out...hence "snap n go". It is super light and makes life so much easier. Plus it takes up less space in the trunk which is super important to me since I have a little buggy trunk. When I just had the stroller, it literally was like a puzzle piece going in my trunk. There was only one specific way to get that thing in there. My aunt suggested it to my mom and she found us one on craigslist. They are rare to find on there, but they are there!
So you see most babies with this paci. I remember at the hospital, Kirk and I discussed whether or not we should give Asher a pacifier because we did not want him to be that kid with a paci in his mouth at 4 years old. Now I look back on this and giggle. Guys, the paci will save your life. You need LOTS of them. We have probably owned at least 30 by now and somehow, we always only have about 2 or 3 on hand. Where do they go? Who knows.....so you want back up! But my suggestion is to get the vanilla scented ones! They smell delish. It is supposed to calm the baby, but I'm not sure if it does. If not, it sure does make the baby smell good. People have said, "Oh, asher smells like vanilla!" It's just his paci..... Oh and these are funny because they are translucent so you can look through and see inside of their mouth. No....this isn't so you can check for anything.....it's for your entertainment.
So....breastfeeding could be a whole other post on its own. But having a nursing cover is a must have! I remember I used to stress out about feeding Asher right before we went somewhere and rushed home to make sure that I could get back in time before he got upset and hungry. Nursing in public is also a whole other subject as well. For me, in the beginning, I would have felt a little more shy about nursing with a cover in public. You wonder if it makes people feel uncomfortable. But you know what, if you are covered, I think it is totally fine. Your number one priority is to take care of your baby and you gotta do what you gotta do. After a couple of months of breastfeeding, you forget you are even doing it sometimes, ha. I am sure there are some other great ones out there, but this is the one I have and it works well for me. At the top, it kind of bends so that it stays open at the top so you can look in and baby can get some air. It also has a little thingy (so technical) that you can move from side to side so you can remember which side you fed on last. This has made taking Asher out a much more relaxing experience. I know I can just feed him whenever he needs to eat. Trust me, hungry babies are scary babies.

The diaper aisle can be overwhelming. How are you supposed to know which one is the best? I am always trying to get the best deal, and I am a big supporter of store brands because OFTEN they are just as good or even better than brand names. I have come to love target brand diapers. For the first couple of months, we never had to buy diapers because we were given so many. They were all Huggies and Pampers. But when it came down to when I had to buy them, I wanted to give these a try and they work awesome. They don't leak even when they get super full at night. And they are so much cheaper!!! So I approve of these. And no this is not a bias opinion even though I am obsessed with target....not an exaggeration guys. It's my go-to place and I think I know all of their inventory.....oh gosh.
Asher is obsessed with baby Einstein youtube videos. Well, more specifically the puppets on those videos. He thinks they are hilarious! Also, he has loved all of his toys made by this brand. Also, I like to think that listening to Beethoven and Mozart is making him into the next Einstein. Ha!
We have this mirror that easily attaches to the head rest with a velcro strap. It comes with a remote control that you can attach to your sun visor so that you can easily turn on the light to take a peek at baby when it is dark out. It also has a music button. I used to take my iphone and turn the camera on reverse and see him that way haha....but this didn't work at night. I like to know if Asher is awake or sleeping so I definitely appreciate having this.
So....Asher has three mobiles...if that says anything. Two his one crib (one regular one and one that projects light) and then another one downstairs in a bassinet. He loves laying down to watch his mobiles and play with toys. He has loved them since he was a wee little one. They made him light up. This was also AWESOME for me because I could lay him there and it would entertain him for awhile without me having to do the entertaining myself. I could have a few minutes to get ready...or get something done. You know.
After Asher's doctor's appointment last week, I learned that this was an essential. And again, it is target brand and does the same job. Asher has already had a couple sets of shots already and never had any kind of reaction. I already even break up the shots they get into two appointments because I do not like him getting all his shots at once. But this past time, he was not feeling very well. He seemed uncomfortable and was just unusually cranky. My mom said she used to give us this in the room before they even gave us the shot to prevent us from feeling bad in the first place. So....this stuff is definitely good to have on hand.
These little arm and hammer bags attach to your diaper bag. They definitely come in handy for when you are out or at friends or family's houses. They keep that stinky diaper concealed. It feels rude throwing a dirty diaper in someone else's trash can. There's a reason they are called stinkies.....For Asher, it takes about three of these haha. For some reason, he only goes about once a week (don't worry, the doc says it's okay though. He is breastfed, so he is not constipated or uncomfortable). So...when he goes...he keeps on going......a week's worth. His stomach literally deflates. Also, the past two times, he has chosen to do it while we were out of town so we definitely put these to use.
Okay, this is not for you to give the baby. But like a say, a happier mama= a happier baby. t's funny because before I got pregnant, I was never a "sweets person". Suddenly, I cannot live without chocolate. I used to hate brownies, and now I think that are heaven-sent. Being a mommy definitely wares you out, so a sugar pick-me-up definitely is a life saver. This Lindt dark chocolate with a touch of sea salt has been my fave lately. It's addicting.
There are tons of others things that I use and love, but these are just some of my top suggestions. Thanks for reading!!! I have to close with a picture of the handsome man himself.....He is lifting his head, drooling, and putting EVERYTHING in his mouth.